I have been a bit obsessed with Halloween this year. Maybe it is because the kids are older and really enjoy dressing up and participating in the holiday spirit of things. I can tell you one thing,
I am having SO much fun! I took some photos of the kids all dressed up for the first party of the season. Maurice is a vampire and Sebastian wanted to be a monster, but did not like the costume I made him, so I guess he is some sort of villain. We just kind of pull Sebastian's costume together, last minute. I took a few pictures of the kids and let me tell you, that was so much fun. I would LOVE to take family Halloween photos. I love the costumes and the backgrounds and of course autumn is such a great time of year for this sort of thing. Trick-or-treating will be a blast this year, as well as handing out treats of our own...
I am slowly building up stock in the Creature Series. I just finished the fourth painting, "Ares", that is a hybrid ram-bird. The art doll is going to be very interesting.
So far I have made 4 paintings and 1 art doll. Check them out here. I was walking home from dropping the first born off at school this morning, and I stopped dead in my tracks to photograph this beautiful, dew covered spider's web. It was stunning and surprisingly I was able to photograph it very well. Here are some of my favorite images I came away with. You can purchase prints and photo gifts such as totes, phone cases and more of these images at Society 6.
Just Because
I am going to post some of my experiments and thoughts. It can be anything from photography to art to mycology Archives
July 2020