Trump Captured AmericaI am still in shock over the news that came in about this same time last night. Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, he is now our POTUS. I can not believe such a crass person could get into office. But I suppose with enough money, you can get anything you want. These next 4 years will be interesting and you can expect a lot of art coming from me against the bigotry, womanizing, warmongering, government corporate snuggle sessions, anti LGBTQ, the mother-fucking-WALL, a renegotiation of NAFTA, militarizing the police, and pretty much anything else that has come out of the mouth of the orange man. The writing is on the wall and history does repeat itself if we are not careful. We are now the laughing stock of the world.
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Just Because
I am going to post some of my experiments and thoughts. It can be anything from photography to art to mycology Archives
July 2020